The Central Deployed A Hack to Mount an Exploit by Android Debug Bridge from my Nowhere-Ever-User-Connected Huawei Y6 2019 (5)

(No. 0)  No. 1  No. 2  No. 3  No. 4  No. 5 

Still more clarity, and a tutorial on some aspects in basic FFmpeg video editing. Requires basic skills in Unix (also users of Cygwin on Windows, or even, if I recall well, without any Cygwin, just proper use of plain command prompt in Windows; namely I tested that, years ago, and was easily able to install FFmpeg on some Windows machine and do, in that case, screencasting with FFmpeg; FFmpeg can perfectly be used in Windows --and any other OS I'd think--, but I have no recent experience myself).

It you want to follow you can create a directory where you have all the privs as regular user on your system.

There is no successful-connection network trace with my Android Debug Bridge attempt presented in the first page, that trace instead documents correct but unsuccessful use of the Adb.

However, while successful-Adb-connection network trace presented in the second page, brings clarity on the real-life event once you can extract from it the original Huawei Y6 screencast used overlaid in the first page, as I show step-by-step in the third page, the video of the second page also makes plain lots of things.

It proves that the commands I was issuing during all the shown time of that Friday morning were genuine, as you can even hear the clicks of my typing and you can even see me in the exact corrisponding moments that you see in the screencast I was typing them.

I did not plan that. It just turned out so, because of how I placed the Lenovo Tab 8 while I connected and was working with it and above it the filming Huawei Y6. I later noticed that it also filmed my reflection on the surface of Lenovo Tab 8. Kind of a little fuzzy, but it's there.

In the video of the second page, I scaled down that camera footage to fit overlayed in my computer's screencast of that mid-morning, but the original camera footage is too huge to make any sense posting it (almost 700MB).

But I'll show how I did the video of the second page, from what I made available for download. In reverse.

Run this command:

$ ffmpeg -i Screen_190628_0906_gdO_LenTab8.webm -vf crop=270:480:1096:288 \

That gives just the overlaid video, actually it should be from 0:06 to 5:50, without the first 6 seconds and the last 5 seconds. Those first 6 and last 5 seconds will be same as in the sole download proper of this page, and which I got from non-overlaid, original computer-screen-only screencast (which original is not posted, but read below, you will still pretty much get a near perfect lookalike).

Do not try to run this command, I only tell how I made the Screen_190628_0906_gdO_LenTab8_right-bottom_NO-OVERLAY.mkv, which feel free to download now.

$ ffmpeg -i Screen_190628_0906_gdO.mkv -vf crop=270:480:1096:288 \

I don't think I had unacceptable losses in quality in all the video conversions and manipulations that I needed to perform, but let's see.

Let's overlay that Screen_190628_0906_gdO_LenTab8_right-bottom_NO-OVERLAY.mkv onto Screen_190628_0906_gdO_LenTab8.webm to get close to what I began with, close to my original computer-screen-only screencast.

$ ffmpeg -i Screen_190628_0906_gdO_LenTab8.webm -i \
	Screen_190628_0906_gdO_LenTab8_right-bottom_NO-OVERLAY.mkv \
	-filter_complex 'overlay=1096:288' Screen_190628_0906_gdO.mkv

Now you have that near perfect lookalike to the original computer-screen-only screencast that I used.

Just as with those 6 seconds at start and 5 seconds at end, that I don't tell here how I cut and brought together the pieces, also another detail is not as in the original. It'd all be even more work to explain, so I'm cutting corners. There is also no audio in the original. Otherwise it's very close to the original what you get by following here. Only a couple of frames were actually lost in all the conversions and manipulation which were not so few, and so it's not too bad.

And I'm also disregarding one important aspect here, and that is the orig Huawei video was 30 fps, and all the videos here are 10 fps. For lack of time that would take.

Just what did the camera footage look like that I manipulated and overlaid there?

Well, since this is how I got, essentially the Screen_190628_0906_gdO_LenTab8_right-bottom.mkv that you should have gotten further above (just the name of it is by the name of the Huawei's VID which it is rotated and scaled from, the VID_20190628_111210.mkv:

(Do not try to run this next command either.)

$ ffmpeg -i VID_20190628_111210.3gp -vf \
	scale=480:270,pad=480:480:0:105,rotate='-PI/2',crop=270:480:105:0 \

You can now...

$ mv -iv Screen_190628_0906_gdO_LenTab8_right-bottom.mkv VID_20190628_111210.mkv

... as we'll try and reconstruct what the original Huawei video was in size and orientation. such that the above command was needed for converting it into the right size and orientation that the overlaid video has.

Of course no way to get back all the pixels of the original video from the downsized one, but just for the play of it, try:

$ ffmpeg -i VID_20190628_111210.mkv -vf \
	scale=1080:1920,pad=1920:1920:420:0,rotate='PI/2',crop=1920:1080:0:420 \

We named it VID_20190628_111210_3gp.mkv because it's kind of pale lookalike to the Huawei made VID_20190628_111210.3gp (of almost 700MB) that I manipulated to overlay it in right-bottom of the Webm video we started this page from.

If you now issue:

$ ffmpeg -i VID_20190628_111210_3gp.mkv -vf \
	scale=480:270,pad=480:480:0:105,rotate='-PI/2',crop=270:480:105:0 \

('re' in my system of naming files stands for some of 'reconstructed', 'recovered'...)

the VID_20190628_111210_re.mkv will be very close to the Screen_190628_0906_gdO_LenTab8_right-bottom.mkv that you earlier renamed to VID_20190628_111210.mkv.

And to complete this reverse video manipulation demo, this is the command that overlays that video onto your lookalike of my original screencast:

$ ffmpeg -i Screen_190628_0906_gdO.mkv -i VID_20190628_111210_re.mkv \
	-filter_complex 'overlay=1096:288' \

The Screen_190628_0906_gdO_LenTab8_re.mkv is very much like the Screen_190628_0906_gdO_LenTab8.webm, with some unavoidable quality loss of course, after all the manipulations. I hope it proves a few points and shows a few tricks in the realm of the basic FFmpeg video manipulation.


NOTICE: Familiarity with and/or use of some Unix-like OS such as GNU/Linux or BSD, (or being able to use Cygwin on Windows but I haven't tested that yet) may be required to be able to follow.

Screencasts/traffic dumps on these pages are usually produced with my program:



The files necessary for this study are some from the download section of the second page, as well as:



and verify to: ls-1pg5.sum signed by: ls-1pg5.sum.asc